
A blog for the RedTeam-TG CTF Team.

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Exfiltration Challenge

The first 300pts challenge…Thanks to manas3 for bringing this prize to our team.



A conversation between two terrorist groups has been intercepted. It is possible that very sensitive data was transmitted during the communication.

Flag : CTF_*

we were given a pcap file. Let’s open it with Wireshark to see the content.

A ton of DNS requests.

A while ago I was watching a replay of a DEF CON presentation (the most famous hacker convention in the world) where the presenter was talking about this technique that allows to exfiltrate data through DNS requests. You have to know that in a network, the least monitored flow is the DNS flow, what an ingenious idea to steal a company’s data under the nose of the engineers and their firewall army.

Let’s start by looking at the statistics of all this stream. The pcap file is divided into 2 types of dns requests (A and CNAME). Take a look at this site or on the internet to see more about the types of dns requests and their value.

└─$ tshark -r capture.pcap -qz dns,tree                                                                                                 

Topic / Item                           Count         Average       Min Val       Max Val       Rate (ms)     Percent       Burst Rate    Burst Start  

 Query Type                            1550                                                    0.0141        100.00%       0.0400        12.539       
  CNAME (Canonical NAME for an alias)  1172                                                    0.0106        75.61%        0.0200        12.284       
  A (Host Address)                     378                                                     0.0034        24.39%        0.0200        0.000        
 Class                                 1550                                                    0.0141        100.00%       0.0400        12.539    


Let’s get the data we are interested in. Tshark the command line version of wireshark does a good job. The first time I didn’t notice, but as you can see there are duplicates. We will filter the type A and CNAME queries in different files

└─$ tshark -r capture.pcap -Y "dns.qry.type==1" -T fields -e

A records

the A requests have been used to send an image. On the image file it says ROCKYOU ft. l33t

└─$ tshark -r capture.pcap -Y "dns.qry.type==1" -T fields -e | cut -d "." -f1 | uniq|xxd -r -p > file1                                      
└─$ file file1                  
file1: PNG image data, 757 x 459, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced

CNAME records

The CNAME requests have been used to send a Zip file.

└─$ tshark -r capture.pcap -Y "dns.qry.type==5" -T fields -e | cut -d "." -f1 | uniq|xxd -r -p > file2
└─$ file file2
file2: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract

On this one, the author of the challenge made us a big joke. We have to go through several layers of archive before we get to the file we are interested in. Can you imagine all those letters of the alphabet are actually archival extensions. Unkind isn’t it?

└─$ unzip file2   
Archive:  file2
  inflating: flag.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.w.v.u.t.s.r.q.p.o.n.m.l.k.j.i.h.g.f.e.d.c.b.a.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w 

As usual, I wrote my own little script to get the job done. I wasn’t going to do all that work again. I admit I could have done better. But anyway, it does the job.

└─$ cat                     

        FILE=$(ls | head -n1)
        if file $FILE | grep "Zip archive data"; then
                unzip $FILE

        elif file $FILE | grep "XZ compressed data"; then
                ZIPFILE=$(mv "$FILE" "${FILE%.*}.xz")
                xz -d *.xz

        elif file $FILE | grep "bzip2 compressed data"; then
                bunzip2 $FILE

        elif file $FILE | grep "gzip compressed data"; then
                ZIPFILE=$(mv "$FILE" "${FILE%.*}.gz")
                gunzip  *.gz

at the end of my script I am asked to enter a password. The image was about rockyou ft l33t. I’ll have to do some bruteforce.

I first rename the archive I got into something easier to handle. Then with zip2john I can extract the hash and crack it with the all powerful john

└─$ /usr/sbin/zip2john > hash

The clue l33t which could have been written leet tells us that we will have to make transformations on the Rockyou dictionary to find the password. I tried to find the right rule file but without success. So let’s make it simple.

└─$ john hash                                            
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (PKZIP [32/64])
Will run 2 OpenMP threads
Proceeding with single, rules:Single
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
Warning: Only 7 candidates buffered for the current salt, minimum 8 needed for performance.
Warning: Only 4 candidates buffered for the current salt, minimum 8 needed for performance.
Almost done: Processing the remaining buffered candidate passwords, if any.
Proceeding with wordlist:/usr/share/john/password.lst, rules:Wordlist
Proceeding with incremental:ASCII
3c0w45           (
1g 0:00:08:36 DONE 3/3 (2022-09-04 09:41) 0.001936g/s 5373Kp/s 5373Kc/s 5373KC/s 3c0gbi..3c0igd
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed

When we unzip the last archive we get a file flag.txt which contains a QR code that we will have to read and get the flag.

└─$ cat flag.txt                      
        ##############  ##      ##  ######  ##  ####  ##    ##############        
        ##          ##  ##  ######            ####          ##          ##        
        ##  ######  ##  ##  ##  ##  ####          ########  ##  ######  ##        
        ##  ######  ##    ########  ##  ####    ######  ##  ##  ######  ##        
        ##  ######  ##    ##  ######        ##  ####        ##  ######  ##        
        ##          ##  ##      ##    ######  ####    ####  ##          ##        
        ##############  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##############        
                        ####  ######  ##      ##  ######                          
            ######  ##  ##  ####  ####  ####  ##  ######  ######    ######        
        ##      ##            ##  ########      ######    ##        ##            
                ########    ####  ##  ##  ##########    ##########    ##          
            ##        ####  ####  ##  ####    ##  ############      ##            
          ####  ##  ####      ####  ########      ##    ####      ##              
        ##  ########  ####  ##  ######      ##      ##      ####  ##              
        ##      ##  ##  ##  ####      ######      ####  ##          ####          
        ##  ##        ##########    ##########  ####          ##    ##            
                ##  ##  ##  ##    ####      ####    ##              ####          
        ####  ####    ##########  ##    ##  ######    ##########    ##            
        ##  ##  ########  ##      ##        ####          ####  ####  ####        
          ##  ##      ##########        ##  ##  ########    ##  ######            
              ##    ##  ##  ########    ##  ##    ####    ####    ########        
        ##        ##  ####  ##  ##  ####  ##    ####    ##        ##  ##          
        ##  ##  ######      ##  ##    ##  ####      ##    ####    ######          
        ##    ######      ####    ##    ##    ##  ####  ######    ######          
        ##  ##  ##  ##      ########  ##      ##        ##########    ##          
                        ############  ######  ####  ######      ##########        
        ##############    ########    ####    ####  ##  ##  ##  ######            
        ##          ##                      ##        ####      ##########        
        ##  ######  ##  ####  ####  ########  ##  ####  ##############            
        ##  ######  ##  ##  ####  ##    ##    ##  ##  ######  ##  ##  ##          
        ##  ######  ##  ######      ########    ##      ####                      
        ##          ##    ######        ##    ##  ##  ##    ####  ##              
        ##############    ##    ####  ########      ##  ##          ####          

And voila!

